Monday, 23 February 2009

Winning Mentality

First things first...

When starting any new venture, your head needs to be in the right place. All negative thoughts and any lack of self belief absolutely must be banished once and for all. I read a lot of self help books anyway, and a lot of them are the flaky 'leave it to the universe' types, but then one comes along that is full of practical and useful advice and actually HELPS!

'Winning Mentality' is aimed in the main at sports people and businesses, but I have got so much from its positive message - proving that there is something in it's pages for everyone.

What's helped me the most is the advice on overcoming fears, trusting your instincts and putting the right action into achieving your goals. So much so that I'm ready to take a leap of faith! Now, I would be lying if I said wasn't terrified, but having said that not trying is now scarier than trying and failing. Although, our erstwhile author has a theory about failure and quotes: 'you haven't failed, you just haven't succeeded yet' - what a wonderful guiding philosophy!

For more information about Phil McNally and Winning Mentality go to:-

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